Lesson 03: Power System

The PSoC 5LP microcontroller series is designed with a sophisticated power system featuring multiple internal regulators and separate supply pins for analog and digital components. This design enhances the efficiency and stability of the device's operation. Here's a detailed overview of the power systems in the PSoC 5LP:

PSOC5LP PowerDomain s
Figure 3.1: Power Domain Diagram

Features and Benefits:

  • Separate Analog and Digital Supplies: This design helps reduce cross-domain interference, which is crucial for applications requiring high precision and stability in analog readings.
  • Dedicated Regulators for Different Domains: Each regulator is optimized for its respective domain, enhancing the efficiency and performance of the microcontroller.
  • Support for Low-Power Modes: Including sleep and hibernate regulators facilitates efficient power management, making the PSoC 5LP suitable for battery-operated and energy-sensitive applications.

The power system architecture of the PSoC 5LP reflects a careful balance between performance, efficiency, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications where power efficiency and reliable operation are critical.

Standard Power Configuration:

  • No boost pump
  • VDDA ≥ VDDD ≥ VDDIO0/1/2/3
  • VDDA = 1.8 ~ 5.5V

Vdda must be the highest voltage present on the device. All other supply pins must be less than or equal to Vdda.

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