Lesson KB 03: Data Types and APIs
The PSoC Creator provides some useful APIs that can be used in your code.
- Standard C data types (implicit sizes)
Type Size
(Bytes)Range Description Precision
(Decimal place)printf() identifier char 1 unsigned: 0 ... 255
signed: -128 ... 127Character (ASCII Table) %c short 2 unsigned: 0 ... 65535
signed:-32,768 ... 32767Standard type specifying 2-byte integers %i int 4 unsigned: 0 ... 4,294,967,295
signed:-2,147,483,648 ... 2,147,483,647Integer number %i long 4 unsigned: 0 ... 4,294,967,295
signed:-2,147,483,648 ... 2,147,483,647%i float 4 1.175e-38 ... 3.40e+38 Signal precision floating point number 6 %f double 8 2.3E-308 ... 1.7E+308 Double precision floating point number 15 %f long double 8 2.3E-308 ... 1.7E+308 %f enum 1
21 byte if enum < 256
2 bytes if enum > 256 0 ... 65535Used to define a list of aliases that represent integers - Cypress-defined data types
Type Description char8 8-bit (signed or unsigned, depending on the compiler selection for char) uint8 8-bit unsigned integer uint16 16-bit unsigned integer uint32 32-bit unsigned integer int8 8-bit signed integer int16 16-bit signed integer int32 32-bit signed integer float32 32-bit float float64 64-bit float int64 64-bit signed uint64 64-bit unsigned - Cypress-defined hardware register types
Type Description reg8 Volatile 8-bit unsigned reg16 Volatile 16-bit unsigned reg32 Volatile 32-bit unsigned - Types available through <stdint.h>
Type Description uint8_t 8-bit unsigned integer uint16_t 16-bit unsigned integer uint32_t 32-bit unsigned integer uint64_t 64-bit unsigned integer int8_t 8-bit signed integer int16_t 16-bit signed integer int32_t 32-bit signed integer int64_t 64-bit signed integer - Delay Functions
Function Prototype Arguments Description void CyDelay(uint32 milliseconds) uint32 milliseconds –
Number of milliseconds to delayDelay by the specified number of milliseconds. Ex. To delay 2.5 second → CyDelay(2500); void CyDelayUs(uint32 microseconds) uint32 microseconds –
Number of microseconds to delayDelay by the specified number of microseconds. Ex. To delay 500 microsecond → CyDelayUs(500); void CyDelayFreq(uint32 freq) uint32 freq –
Bus clock frequency in Hz;
0: Use default value
Nonzero: Set freq valueSets the Bus Clock frequency to calculate the number of cycles needed to implement a delay with CyDelay or CyDelayUs functions.
By default, the frequency used is based on the value determined by PSoC Creator at build time.void CyDelayCycles(uint32 cycles) uint32 cycles –
Number of cycles to delay (0 ~ 32)Delay by the specified number of cycles using a software delay loop. - Macro statements
CyGlobalIntEnable Enables interrupts using the global interrupt mask CyGlobalIntDisable Disable interrupts using the global interrupt mask
Here, lists some useful defines:
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#ifndef __MYDEFINES_H
#define __MYDEFINES_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#define HIGH 0x1
#define LOW 0x0
#define INPUT 0x0
#define OUTPUT 0x1
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define HALF_PI 1.5707963267948966192313216916398
#define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559
#define DEG_TO_RAD 0.017453292519943295769236907684886
#define RAD_TO_DEG 57.295779513082320876798154814105
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define ABS(x) ((x)>0?(x):-(x))
#define CONSTRAIN(amt,low,high) ((amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt)))
#define ROUND(x) ((x)>=0?(long)((x)+0.5):(long)((x)-0.5))
#define RADIANS(deg) ((deg)*DEG_TO_RAD)
#define DEGREES(rad) ((rad)*RAD_TO_DEG)
#define SQ(x) ((x)*(x))
#define BCD2DEC(bcd) ((bcd >> 4) * 10 + (bcd & 0x0F))
#define DEC2BCD(dec) (((dec / 10) << 4 ) | (dec % 10))
#define LOWBYTE(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) & 0xff))
#define HIGHBYTE(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) >> 8))
#define _PIN0 0x01
#define _PIN1 0x02
#define _PIN2 0x04
#define _PIN3 0x08
#define _PIN4 0x10
#define _PIN5 0x20
#define _PIN6 0x40
#define _PIN7 0x80
#define _BIT0 0x01
#define _BIT1 0x02
#define _BIT2 0x04
#define _BIT3 0x08
#define _BIT4 0x10
#define _BIT5 0x20
#define _BIT6 0x40
#define _BIT7 0x80
#define _BIT8 0x100
#define _BIT9 0x200
#define _BIT10 0x400
#define _BIT11 0x800
#define _BIT12 0x1000
#define _BIT13 0x2000
#define _BIT14 0x4000
#define _BIT15 0x8000
#define _BIT16 0x10000
#define _BIT17 0x20000
#define _BIT18 0x40000
#define _BIT19 0x80000
#define _BIT20 0x100000
#define _BIT21 0x200000
#define _BIT22 0x400000
#define _BIT23 0x800000
#define _BIT24 0x1000000
#define _BIT25 0x2000000
#define _BIT26 0x4000000
#define _BIT27 0x8000000
#define _BIT28 0x10000000
#define _BIT29 0x20000000
#define _BIT30 0x40000000
#define _BIT31 0x80000000
#define BITREAD(value, bit) (((value) >> (bit)) & 0x01)
#define BITSET(value, bit) ((value) |= (1UL << (bit)))
#define BITCLEAR(value, bit) ((value) &= ~(1UL << (bit)))
#define BITWRITE(value, bit, bitvalue) (bitvalue ? bitSet(value, bit) : bitClear(value, bit))
#define BIT(b) (1UL << (b))
typedef unsigned int word
typedef uint8_t byte