Page 28 - EE2449_TTL_Datasheet
P. 28

SN54/74LS90 • SN54/74LS92 • SN54/74LS93

               The LS90, LS92, and LS93 are 4-bit ripple type Decade,  C. Divide-By-Two and Divide-By-Five Counter — No external
             Divide-By-Twelve, and Binary Counters respectively. Each  interconnections are required. The first flip-flop is used as a
             device consists of four master/slave  flip-flops  which  are  binary element for the divide-by-two function (CP 0  as the
             internally connected to provide a divide-by-two section and a  input and Q 0  as the output). The CP 1  input is used to obtain
             divide-by-five (LS90), divide-by-six (LS92), or divide-by-eight  binary divide-by-five operation at the Q 3  output.
             (LS93) section. Each section has a separate clock input which
             initiates state changes of the counter on the HIGH-to-LOW
             clock transition. State changes of the Q outputs do not occur  LS92
             simultaneously because of internal ripple delays. Therefore,  A. Modulo 12, Divide-By-Twelve Counter — The CP 1  input
             decoded output signals are subject to decoding spikes and  must be externally connected to the Q 0  output. The CP 0  in-
             should not be used for clocks or strobes. The Q 0  output of  put receives the incoming count and Q 3  produces a sym-
             each device is designed and specified to drive the rated  metrical divide-by-twelve square wave output.
             fan-out plus the CP 1  input of the device.
                                                                 B. Divide-By-Two and Divide-By-Six Counter —No external
               A gated AND asynchronous Master Reset (MR 1  • MR 2 ) is
                                                                    interconnections are required. The first flip-flop is used as a
             provided on all counters which overrides and clocks  and
                                                                    binary element for the divide-by-two function. The CP 1  in-
             resets (clears) all the flip-flops. A gated AND asynchronous
                                                                    put is used to obtain divide-by-three operation at the Q 1
             Master Set (MS 1   • MS 2 ) is provided on the LS90 which
                                                                    and Q 2  outputs and divide-by-six operation at the Q 3  out-
             overrides the clocks and the MR inputs and sets the outputs to  put.
             nine (HLLH).
               Since the output from the divide-by-two section is  not
             internally connected to the succeeding stages, the devices  LS93
             may be operated in various counting modes.          A. 4-Bit Ripple Counter — The output Q 0  must be externally
                                                                    connected to input CP 1 . The input count pulses are applied
             LS90                                                   to input CP 0 . Simultaneous divisions of 2, 4, 8, and 16 are
             A. BCD Decade (8421) Counter — The CP 1  input must be ex-  performed at the Q 0 , Q 1 , Q 2 , and Q 3  outputs as shown in
               ternally connected to the Q 0  output. The CP 0  input receives  the truth table.
               the incoming count and a BCD count sequence is pro-
                                                                 B. 3-Bit Ripple Counter— The input count pulses are applied
                                                                    to input CP 1 . Simultaneous frequency divisions of 2, 4, and
             B. Symmetrical Bi-quinary Divide-By-Ten Counter — The Q 3  8 are available at the Q 1 , Q 2 , and Q 3  outputs. Independent
               output must be externally connected to the CP 0  input. The  use of the first flip-flop is available if the reset function coin-
               input count is then applied to the CP 1  input and a divide-by-  cides with reset of the 3-bit ripple-through counter.
               ten square wave is obtained at output Q 0 .

                                                    FAST AND LS TTL DATA
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