Lab 04: Function Generator and Oscilloscope



  • Function Generator
  • Digital Multimeter
  • Resistors: 1M, 1K,




  1. What value of output resistance would the "ideal" Function Generator have? Explain.
  2. A Function Generator is adjusted to give a no-load (open-circuit) voltage of 1.0 V. When a 1 KΩ load is placed across the output terminals of the Function Generator the output voltage drops to 0.8 V. Find the output resistance of the Function Generator.
  3. Voltage Ratio in decibels \((dB) = 20{\log _{10}}\left( {\frac{{{V_1}}}{{{V_2}}}} \right)\)
    1. Express the following ratios in decibels (dB):
      1. V1 / V2 = 100
      2. V1 / V2 = 0.1
    2. Change these dB values to voltage ratios:
      1. -10 dB
      2. 3 dB
  4. A Function Generator has a specification that the variation in the output voltage with frequency will remain flat to within ±1 dB over the frequency range of 10 Hz to 100 kHz. Find the corresponding maximum percentage variation in the output voltage over this frequency range.

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