Page 18 - EE2449_TTL_Datasheet
P. 18

           DUAL JK FLIP-FLOP

             The SN54/74LS76A offers individual J, K, Clock Pulse, Direct Set and Di-
           rect Clear inputs. These dual flip-flops are designed so that when the clock
           goes HIGH, the inputs are enabled and data will be accepted. The Logic Level  DUAL JK FLIP-FLOP
           of the J and K inputs will perform according to the Truth Table as long as mini-  WITH SET AND CLEAR
           mum set-up times are observed. Input data is transferred to the outputs on the
                                                                                   LOW POWER SCHOTTKY
           HIGH-to-LOW clock transitions.

                                                                                                  J SUFFIX
                           MODE SELECT — TRUTH TABLE                                              CERAMIC
                                                                                                 CASE 620-09
                                       INPUTS               OUTPUTS
            OPERATING MODE
            OPERA TING   MODE                                                   16  1
                              S D    C D     J      K       Q      Q
            Set                L      H      X      X       H      L
            Reset (Clear)      H      L      X      X       L      H
            *Undetermined      L      L      X      X       H      H
                                                                                                  N SUFFIX
            Toggle             H      H      h       h      q      q
            Load “0” (Reset)   H      H       l      h      L      H                             CASE 648-08
            Load “1” (Set)     H      H      h       l      H      L            16
            Hold               H      H       l      l      q      q               1
           *Both outputs will be HIGH while both S D  and C D  are LOW, but the output states are unpredictable
           if S D  and C D  go HIGH simultaneously.
           H,h = HIGH Voltage Level                                                               D SUFFIX
           L,l = LOW Voltage Level                                                                  SOIC
           X = Immaterial                                                         16             CASE 751B-03
           l, h (q) = Lower case letters indicate the state of the referenced input (or output) one setup time prior  1
           to the HIGH-to-LOW clock transition

                                                                                  ORDERING INFORMATION
                                                                                   SN54LSXXJ   Ceramic
                                                                                   SN74LSXXN   Plastic
                                                                                   SN74LSXXD   SOIC
                                 LOGIC DIAGRAM

                                                                                       LOGIC SYMBOL

                  Q                                               Q                  2                7

                                                                                    S D              S D
                                                                              16  K    Q   15  12  K    Q   11
                                                                               1  CP            6  CP
           CLEAR (C D )                                           SET (S D )

                  J                                               K            4  J  C D  Q  14  9  J  C D  Q  10
                                                                                     3                8
                                             CLOCK (CP)                                  V CC  = PIN 5
                                                                                         GND = PIN 13

                                                  FAST AND LS TTL DATA
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23